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Kae Hutchens
Jul 13, 2020
July Store Update is LIVE
Just added to the store - new floral paintings, as well as a new print and sticker! The print and sticker were made available to my...

Kae Hutchens
Jun 17, 2020
Sticker Pre-Order - Black Lives Matter
We see you. We hear you. You matter. I vow to stand up when I see injustice. I designed this sticker, and will be ordering them next...

Kae Hutchens
May 21, 2020
Tattoo Schedule OPEN!
You read that right, we have been given the go-ahead to reopen and get back to work! There are some new rules for the time being. Clients...

Kae Hutchens
May 4, 2020
Patreon Now Live!
I've been nervous to take this leap, but I finally did it! I launched a Patreon account to help push my non-tattoo art and build a...

Kae Hutchens
Apr 27, 2020
Opening Delayed Again
Governor Greg Abbott announced today that the stay-at-home order is being lifted on May 1, and that phase 1 of re-opening Texas will...

Kae Hutchens
Apr 25, 2020
Indy Tattoo Expo Postponed
Given the current state of things, I don't think anyone will be surprised, but Indy Tattoo Expo has been postponed to 2021. I still plan...

Kae Hutchens
Apr 20, 2020
COVID-19 Coping
I've avoided making posts during this time, but after a few days of consideration, thought that perhaps actually using my blog here would...

Kae Hutchens
Mar 23, 2020
Store Back Online!
With the move completed, I have re-opened my store, and lowered prices on several items! During this uncertain time, I would greatly...

Kae Hutchens
Mar 23, 2020
ArkLaTex Tattoo and Art Expo Postponed
This event has been moved to August 28th-30th. If interested in getting tattooed at this event, please email me!

Kae Hutchens
Mar 21, 2020
Here in Tyler, TX!
That's right, I'm here! I am currently doing consultations via email due to the whole COVID-19 business. I am scheduling appointments...

Kae Hutchens
Mar 10, 2020
Ark-La-Tex Tattoo Expo May 1-3 2020
I am pleased to announce that I will be attending the Ark-La-Tex Tattoo and Art Expo in Longview, TX from May 1-3, 2020. Please use the...

Kae Hutchens
Feb 26, 2020
Friday the 13TH Flash Event at Tattoo KAIJU
Friday the 13TH flash sheet now available! This will be my last day tattooing before I leave for Texas! . Get in line early for this one...
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